Open Invitation

Anyone is welcome to attend our events.  If you are not a member of the NMRA, we invite you to attend up to three of them.  We believe that three visits provide the opportunity to evaluate our organization and decide to become a member and enjoy its benefits. You can click on the button to read more about the three visit policy for non-members.

Three Visit Policy

In light of the recent news regarding the Boy Scouts and other organizations, the NMRA has adopted a policy for at-risk individuals.  You can click on the button to read more about this policy.

At-Risk Policy

2024 Summer Meet

The Garden State Division summer event will be on Saturday, July 27, 2024 at the Sterling Hill Mining Museum.  The mine site opens at 10:00 AM.
A mine tour in the morning will be followed by layout tours in the afternoon.  

Date, Time, and Location

10:00 AM
27, 2024

Sterling Hill Mining Museum

30 Plant Street           
Ogdensburg, NJ 07439

Layout Tours

Following the meeting and mine tour, we will have the opportunity to visit model railroad layouts in the area.


0 Days
9 Hours
59 Minutes
59 Seconds